MINT – Mentoring for Integration (of third country national children affected by migration)

Two mentoring cycles were implemented in the project countries (the Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, and Slovenia). As a result of the recruitment campaigns, 134 local youth volunteers were trained and paired with 150 migrant children during the two mentoring cycles. The mentoring programme also organised indoor and outdoor group activities: museum visits, trips to the countryside, art workshops and sports activities. Individual, one-to-one meetings were organised to strengthen the bond between mentors and mentees and to better support the children, who all were enrolled in school, with homework, practicing the local language, and getting to know the local environment. During the second cycle, most activities were held online due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Resulting Informal Skills:

  • Tags: formal skills,Informal Skills,language skills,Mentoring,self confidence
  • Name of organization: Terre des hommes Hungary, Terre des hommes Romania, Ocalenie Foundation (PL), Organization for Aid to Refugees (CZ), Slovene Philanthropy
  • Participating countries: Hungary, Romania, Poland, Czec Republic & Svolenia
  • Gender: All
  • Suggested age: 12 to 18 years old
  • Type of Activities: Mentoring
  • Resulting Informal Skills: Self-confidence
  • Implementation period: 6 to 9 months
  • Resources needed: NA
  • Funding Agency: The MINT project was co-funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund in the total amount of 435,187.56 EUR.
  • Contact person: Zsuzsanna Vég (project coordinator)
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